Co-Pastor Commentary

Co-Pastor Commentary 2-11-2021

Last Saturday morning, the Elders, Deacons and Trustees met again for Summit II. We considered David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done, and his insight to look at goals and to identify the next right step. Each workgroup then determined next steps for its objectives.

House of Hope just took a big step towards its goal to “develop and expand programs for children, youth, family and adults!”
In case you missed it, a few weeks ago, The HUB was launched! The Hub is a House of Hope ministry where children, youth and families can build community and faith through education, service, and the arts. Click here to watch the video as Kiera Stegell, Dan Miglets-Nelson and Sofia Ardalan talk about their program’s place in this exciting new ministry!
We are looking forward to watching this ministry develop and expand in the coming years!
Co-Pastor Commentary 2-4-2021
On Saturday, January 23, Elders, Deacons, and Trustees met for a leadership retreat called Summit on Summit where we presented a report regarding the House of Hope’s many strengths, as well as upcoming challenges. Our report drew from our history book, A Journey of Hope, recent annual reports, and our congregation’s fiscal and membership trends.
This presentation helped launch task forces that were formed during our leadership retreat to move our 7 Objectives into a comprehensive strategic plan in the coming weeks and months. View the presentation here.
We are also pleased to share Summit on Summit II is now scheduled for this coming Saturday, February 6. It is our hope to share an update on how the 1-7-75-175 Initiative is progressing during our Annual Meeting on February 28 via Zoom at 11:15 a.m. Please keep the task force members – comprised of Elders, Deacons and Trustees – in your prayers.
Co-Pastor Commentary 12-31-2020
As 2020 comes to an end, we write to share in a year that has been like no other, House of Hope has truly demonstrated faithfulness, adaptability, and resilience. 
You have been faithful in your worship attendance online, financial support, and in supporting ministry partners who are serving the needs of those struggling with hunger and homelessness in the Twin Cities. You have been faithful to each other, as many of you now check in with emails and phone calls.
Your willingness to adapt and to be resilient began early in the year, when more than 300 of you participated in a Zoom Congregational Meeting to call us to be your Co-Pastors. Since then, we held the online conference Festival of Hope, while Bible Studies, church meetings, and even All Church Christmas Parties have moved to Zoom rooms. Your commitment to mission outreach moved from the Bash in the Kirk Parlour to a Virtual Auction. Sunday school moved from our education wing to kit pickups under the Port Cochere.
As we look forward to 2021, we begin by celebrating how we can claim Hope in Winter with eight events we invite you to join as we celebrate the season. We also anticipate the day in the coming year when we will gather face to face in our church facility.
As 2020 draws to a close, we wish you a blessed New Year full of grace and truth, love, and hope.
Lynn and Mark