The Anchor Society

Founded in 2003, The Anchor Society began as a way to honor those who have thoughtfully and generously remembered The House of Hope Presbyterian Church in their estate planning. These gifts will sustain our ministry and mission long into the future. Approximately 40 percent of the church’s operating budget comes from legacy gifts.

We invite you to become part of The Anchor Society and join others who consider this church a blessing and make a grateful commitment to the future as their legacy. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”

Contact the Director of Administration Michelle Freyholtz to join or for more information. If you have included House of Hope in your estate plans, click here to complete the Declaration of Intent.


What is the Endowment Fund?
The Endowment Fund is a fund dedicated to ensuring the ongoing stability of the church and its ministries. Individuals who believe in the mission of House of Hope make gifts through their estate plan or through a direct gift at any time.

How do gifts to the Endowment Fund support the ministries of the church?
Endowment Fund gifts provide for:

  • Worship
  • Music Programs
  • Adult Education
  • Community Outreach
  • Youth Development
  • Mission Outreach
  • Support for members in need
  • Property improvements

What types of gifts will help to fulfill the mission and goals of the church?
There are numerous ways to give:

  • Cash
  • Bequest in your will
  • Stocks and bonds
  • Trusts
  • Annuities
  • Life insurance
  • Real estate
  • Personal property
  • Individual retirement account

What size gift will help the Endowment Fund?
Gifts of all sizes are important. The best gift is one that fits your personal circumstances.

Why consider a gift to the Endowment Fund?
A gift to the Endowment Fund expresses your faith and values while helping to fulfill the mission of House of Hope. The Endowment Fund is a significant and growing part of the financial support needed to enable the church to operate, even when other financial resources may be diminished.

Can I designate the use of my gift?
Gifts to the Endowment Fund are added to the principal of the fund. House of Hope draws up to 4.5% of the value of the Endowment Fund annually to support programs and ministries.

Who administers the Endowment Fund?
The Board of Trustees oversees the management and investment of the Endowment Fund and with the Session determines the distribution of funds.

How can I start my planned giving?
Seek advice from your professional advisor: attorney, accountant, or other financial advisor before making a planned gift. If you have questions, please contact the Director of Administration at 651-227-6311 or by email at

Why do I need an estate plan?
Long range financial planning should not be left to chance or accident. A proper will and appropriate estate plan can be part of stewardship for all Christians, whether married or single, wealthy, or of modest means.

Are gifts to the Endowment Fund tax deductible?
All gifts to The House of Hope Presbyterian Church are tax-deductible as provided by law.