Finding inspiration in these words of Jesus, House of Hope responds to both the immediate and systemic problems caused by lack of or inadequate food through hands-on work, advocacy, education, and by raising and distributing funds for partner organizations.
With a mission to respond to the hunger so prevalent around us, our Community Garden produces fresh vegetables to help feed the hungry in our community. Volunteers from our congregation and the community plant, maintain, and harvest vegetables to help feed hungry families in St. Paul. Each year we donate over 1,000 pounds of fresh produce to Neighborhood House and Hallie Q. Brown Community Center. For more information and to volunteer, contact Elizabeth Karre at
Loaves and Fishes Volunteers meet on the third Monday of even months to provide dinner. On odd months they serve on the final Friday. Preparation starts at 2:30 p.m. and meal service begins at 4:45 p.m. Contact Norma Herther at (612) 356-7203 or for more information.
At Feed My Starving Children volunteers pack meals for some of the world’s hungriest children. Volunteers can be as young as eight years of age.
The first Sunday of each month is Food Pantry Sunday. Non-perishable grocery items contributed by the congregation are donated to neighboring food pantries. Donations may be left in the grocery carts by the Elizabeth Chapel or at the Narthex entrance.