Adult Education

House of Hope provides a supportive environment to pursue spiritual growth. We strive to explore the meaning of our faith tradition in the context of today’s world. Members and visitors will find numerous offerings, from traditional Bible study to open discussions of relevant spiritual topics. House of Hope continues to break new ground in the field of Christian adult education.

Sunday Enrichment

Sunday mornings, 11:15 a.m.–noon
Speakers address an array of religious and secular topics using the format of a 45-minute lecture presentation, with time allocated for questions and answers. For more information, please contact the office at (651) 227-6311.

To see Rev. Dr. Scott Kenefake’s Adult Enrichment “Finding God in the World” from March 19, 2023, click here.

To see Rev. Dr. Julia Carlson’s Adult Enrichment “Heart Work” from March 12, 2023, click here.

Great Decisions

Second Tuesday of the month, 3–4:30 p.m. (April through November)

World affairs are more complex than ever. We help to unravel major U.S. Foreign Policy issues with Great Decisions, a dynamic citizen education and discussion program led by experts. It is sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association and administered by Global Minnesota.

For more information, please contact Linda and Joe Lane.

Bible Studies

Wednesday mornings present weekly opportunities for study of the coming Sunday’s lectionary scripture or other topics. Sessions are offered on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. The Bible Study is on hiatus during the summer. For more information, please contact the office at (651) 227-6311.

Faith and Fibers

This group of those who knit, crochet, or do other handwork meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 5:30 p.m. to work on needle crafts of all kinds, good conversation, and refreshments. Currently, the group is working on knit and crochet prayer shawls and baby blankets as well as hats, scarves, and cowls for our Mission Partners. For more information, please contact Janice Dickinson at (651) 647-1786.

Men’s Programs

House of Hope Men’s Programs provides opportunities for friendship, study, and conversation on topics related to faith.

Men’s Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group meets in-person and virtually via Zoom on Tuesdays from 7–8:15 a.m. at Day by Day Cafe, 477 West 7th Street in St. Paul. Men read and discuss the week’s lectionary scripture lessons, which serve as the basis for the following Sunday’s worship services. House of Hope men and visitors are welcome to attend. For more information, please contact Dave Hutchinson at 612-749-8862 or by email.

Join Zoom Meeting here.

Meeting ID: 898 4963 9700
Passcode: 371411


Men’s Thursday Morning Breakfast Group meets in-person and virtually via Zoom on Thursdays from 7–8:15 a.m. at Day by Day Cafe, 477 West 7th Street in St. Paul. Topics of timely interest related to local, national and/or global events or issues are presented by participants for discussion. House of Hope men and visitors are welcome to attend. For more information, please contact Bill Liike at (612) 751-9907.

Join Zoom Meeting here.


Meeting ID: 894 8948 8771

Passcode: 926001

Women’s Programs

House of Hope Women’s Programs provide opportunities to gather in a variety of settings for study, reflection, service, and community. Women focus on many areas of life through book studies, lectures, workshops, an annual retreat, and special occasions like the Advent Breakfast. Women are welcome to attend any or all of the events and are encouraged to bring friends.

Women’s Breakfast Book Group meets year-round on Friday mornings, 8-9 a.m.

Sunday-Weekday Connections is a gathering of women during the program year to share a meal and listen to a guest speaker. It brings together women of the congregation for fellowship and a light supper.