Get Involved

At the core of House of Hope is a deeply embedded commitment to the greater community. We are dedicated to social justice and human rights, and are intentional citizens and good neighbors within the community.

Below is a selection of some of our outreach programs.  For information about any of the following groups or to volunteer, please call the church office at (651) 227-6311.

Click here to learn of upcoming volunteer activities.

Community Outreach

Capital City Grief Coalition
Area churches participate in providing ongoing grief support groups for persons suffering the loss of a loved one through death. Sessions are held Thursdays evening from 5:30–7 p.m at area churches. The location changes every thirteen weeks. For more information, please contact coordinator Lois Knutson at (651) 227-4430.

Liberty Community Church of Mpls
This mission of the Presbytery provides programs, including worship, Christian education, HIV/AIDS ministry, gang intervention, pregnancy prevention, recovery programs, after school programs and meals, and reading enrichment. Contact Mary Cardinal Peterson at or (651) 341-7173. Learn more about Liberty Community Church of Minneapolis.

YWCA Family Night Out (Women in Transition)
Volunteers gather with women and their children in the YMCA’s Transitional Housing program to participate in a variety of activities emphasizing recreation, fellowship, and fun. Families with children and youth of all ages are encouraged to attend this monthly event.

Cloister Gallery
Our on-site gallery provides a­­ unique opportunity to view the work of local and regional artists. The Cloister Gallery Committee welcomes volunteers to help hang art for exhibitions. We also welcome suggestions of artists whose works could be considered for the monthly show.

Volunteer Opportunities at House of Hope

Communion Guild:  Prepare elements for the communion service. 

Funeral Ushering Committee:  Usher at funeral and memorial services and/or serve light refreshments at receptions for families and friends following the services. 

Greeters:  Extend warmth and hospitality to members, visitors, and friends as they arrive at Sunday worship, afternoon worship, or special events. 

Worship and Pew Rack Volunteers: Volunteer on Friday mornings to stuff inserts into the Sunday bulletins. Volunteers are also needed on the third Monday of each month from 10 a.m.–noon to maintain the pew racks to keep material current and add new documents as needed.  

Intercessors Guild:  Pray one day of each month to assist people in need. To submit a prayer request, please contact the church office at (651) 227-6311. 

Library Committee:  Order, catalogue, and maintain books in the church library. The committee meets on the third Thursday of the month.

Mission Sewing: Tie, knit, and crochet prayer shawls for those who are grieving, healing, or going through a difficult time. Volunteers also crochet or knit blankets for new infants in the church. The group meets September through June. For more information, please contact Janet Brownell at (651) 765-4990.

National Night Out is an annual community celebration with food, entertainment, crime prevention, and safety learning. Volunteer for our neighborhood gathering to improve neighborhood connections for more than 250 attendees. This event is made possible through collaboration between multiple organizations, faith-based communities, businesses, city officials, and local residents young and old. For more information, please contact Mary Cardinal Peterson at

Organizations We Support

The Ain Dah Yung Center—which means “our home” in the Ojibwe language—is an emergency shelter for runaway and homeless Native American youth. Two years ago, the Mission Outreach Committee made a multi-year grant commitment to Ain Dah Yung to help it complete its new shelter and offices: Mino Oski Ain Dah Yung. This 42-unit permanent supportive housing building on University Avenue in St Paul opened in 2020 and is a first of its kind building for homeless Native American youth in Minnesota.

The Hallie Q. Brown Food Shelf and Clothing Closet operate on a client-choice model and strive to assist families in achieving self-sufficiency and empowerment through providing basic needs of food and clothing.

Interfaith Action & Presbyterian USA Mission & Theology provides critically needed shelter for families, free legal assistance, and emergency services related to food, clothing and transportation. We also seek systemic solutions to reduce poverty through programs focused on high-impact volunteering, advanced understanding of the causes of poverty, and cultural and religious awareness and tolerance.

Jeremiah Program helps low-income mothers complete their education and achieve economic self-sufficiency for themselves and their children. For more information, please contact Sue Browne at (651) 430-1979.

Liberty Community Church is the first and only African American led Presbyterian congregation in Minnesota; we are “A Community of Healers in Need of Healing.” 

Neighborhood House is a multi-service agency, providing wrap-around services for people when they need it most. Neighborhood House helps people with basic needs, education, multiple youth programs, and health and well-being. All of our programs are offered for free to participants.

People Inc. is a nonprofit organization that serves people with mental illness in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul metro area. Founded in 1969, People Inc. now operates nearly 60 programs including children’s programs, crisis residences, programs to help the homeless, residential programs, treatment services, case management, and in-home health services.

Presbyterian Clearwater Forest of Minnesota is a stunningly beautiful camp and retreat setting on Clearwater Lake in central Minnesota, Clearwater Forest has been changing lives in God’s woods and waters since 1954. Clearwater Forest has programming available for all ages including summer camp, retreats, family events, senior programs and team building opportunities.

Presbyterian Mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is an organization our former associate pastor, Joshua Heikkila, now serves as the Regional Liaison for West Africa. Based in Accra, Ghana, Josh works with Presbyterian churches across West Africa to strengthen connections with the presbyteries and the General Assembly of the PC(USA). 

Prior Crossing provides supportive, affordable housing for youth experiencing homelessness. House of Hope volunteers play an active role in tenant life by donating supplies for new residents, teaching workshops on cooking, and tending the tenant garden.

Through Project Home, churches, synagogues, and schools become temporary homes for families experiencing homelessness. Before entering emergency shelter, these families struggle with choosing to pay rent or put food on the table. House of Hope opened our doors to families each October for more than 20 years.

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity helps alleviate the housing crisis by assisting low-income families to construct or renovate their homes. House of Hope volunteers support Summer Faith Builders.

Ujamaa Place is a nonprofit that assists young African American men, who are economically disadvantaged and have experienced repeated cycles of failure. Their mission is rooted in the philosophy of African American empowerment—everyone is important, valuable, worthy, and lovable.

Walker West offers music lessons & concerts for people of all ages and backgrounds rooted in the African-American cultural experience. 

Women’s Advocates was the first shelter in the nation for women and their children escaping domestic violence. Today it provides shelter for nearly 1,000 women and children each year. A group of House of Hope volunteers gather monthly at the shelter to do a craft project, play games, and enjoy a snack with the women and children.

YWCA Women in Transition provides safe, affordable housing units for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The range of housing programs combine affordable housing with customized support services that help participants stabilize their lives, build new skills, connect to community, and secure a future of safe, stable housing. House of Hope volunteers gather with women and their children in the YMCA’s Transitional Housing program to participate in a variety of activities emphasizing recreation, fellowship, and fun. Families with children and youth of all ages are encouraged to attend this monthly event.