Youth and Family Ministry

For more information about Youth Events, watch your email for summer opportunities or contact Elsa Kendig.

Calling all Confirmands
Youth grade 9 (or youth grades 10-12 interested in confirmation) are invited to join this year’s confirmation class. Confirmation is often seen as a rite of passage within the church, and while that it not un-true, there is so much more to it. Confirmation is a chance not only to build community with other youth, but to start asking questions and learning some of the spiritual practices that will help us navigate throughout our lives. If you are interested in having your youth be a part of this year’s class, please contact Elsa Kendig by September 18.

Sunday Youth Group:  Grades 6-12
September 22 Youth Room | 5-7 p.m.
Join us for games, dinner and a little discussion.

September Youth Retreat
August 27-29 | YMCA Camp St. Croix
Youth grades 6-12 are invited to join us as we relax, play, and consider how the stories that shape us and how they connect, or don’t, to have a big influence on the ways we are, or aren’t, equipped to face our world.


Connect with us on social media!
Facebook: HOHYouthStP