Congregational Care

Together we provide care to hundreds of congregants through ushering, hospitality, social events, and neighborhood contacts. We also provide monthly home-based visits, weekly care visits, crisis counseling, and new baby and hospital visits.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another. Our volunteer group works with members and in the community to provide Christ-centered emotional and spiritual care to those who are suffering. Through one-to-one caring relationships, Stephen Ministers provide support for those experiencing hospitalization, terminal illness, the loss of a loved one, unemployment, welcoming a child into the family, separation or divorce, retirement, or being homebound.

New Baby Blankets and Prayer Shawls

Members of the Faith and Fibers group tie, knit, and crochet prayer shawls for those who are grieving, healing, or going through a difficult time. Hand-crocheted or knitted blankets are given to every infant during a new baby visit.

Capital City Grief Coalition

This coalition of St. Paul churches provides grief support groups for the loss of a spouse or partner, children, or a significant person in someone’s life.  Participating congregations provide volunteer leadership. The group meets on Thursday evenings at four different churches in rotation.

Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon

The group meets at House of Hope on Mondays at 6 p.m. For more information, contact the church office at (651) 227-6311.

Intercessors Guild

Our Intercessor’s Guild has been praying for nearly 100 years. Volunteers pray every day for members of our church and its mission, as well as the larger community and the world.
If you or someone you know is in a need of a prayer, click here to send a request to the intercessors. All prayer requests will remain confidential.

Grief Support Ministry

When death comes, the church offers the ministry of presence, of shared loss and pain, of faith and hope in the power of the resurrection, and of ordinary acts of care and love. Members offer a personal presence and caring outreach to members, friends, and their families when there is a death by sending notes to families of a loved one and again on the first anniversary of the loss. In addition, a pastor can recommend supplemental resources on counseling and group support.


Deacons are the hands and heart of the church in our ministry of caring. In any congregation, people have all kinds of needs. They may be recovering from surgery, grieving, loneliness, illness, or in a time where they could welcome the ministry of care. Serving as a Deacon is an opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship. You are given the opportunity to know other church members in a deeper way, serving alongside them and growing in understanding of the burdens people carry and how the church can help.

The Ministry of the Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry.

The PC(USA) Book of Order

Deacons engage in the following:

Social Events: Each Deacon participates in planning and executing one of our many social events at the church. This includes the Rally Sunday picnic, seasonal celebrations, an ice cream social in the spring, and a special summer luncheon for members 75 years of age or older.

Deacon Neighborhood Ministry: Each House of Hope Deacon has a Neighborhood consisting of 16 to 20 member households. They keep in touch with their families throughout the year. The Deacon might help coordinate meals, rides, or visits, if needed.

New Member Committee: Deacons are present at every New Member class to welcome guests and to set up and share in the luncheon.

Five Wishes

Five Wishes is an advanced care planning tool that takes into account physical as well as spiritual aspects of living, dying, and giving care. The form can help facilitate conversations with loved ones or for one’s own clarification and planning. It is a legal document that can help families with health care decisions as well as for funeral planning. House of Hope has made the form available to you by clicking here.